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I write when I drink or A writer without a point.

“It all started with Hemingway…”


Well, maybe I lied. Hemingway was involved but I was stumbling around Pinterest and perchance saw the quote that would forever change how I viewed my own writing.

Write Drunk” – Ernest Hemingway

“Hey!!” I thought, “That Hemingway character was some kind of tough guy adventurist writer, right?” I paused a moment. I knew I had seen this character portrayed in Woody Allen’s film “A Midnight in Paris”. I knew how similar I was to this man, I knew that his success was brought by him being earnest as his very name in his every endeavor.


I did not know at all. That is until now, as I am quite drunk. I am sitting in a Starbucks with a bottle of something or other concealed in my bag and about two ounces of that is in my cup alone without flavor. This whiskey has made the motions of my digits act without forethought of my conscious, this has let them fall free and tap each key as if so by chance they fall and press into the proper key.

Even now as I write this they fly along at the speed in which the whiskey has purposed and if an error be seen it’ll will be fixed in the morning to allow sobriety to place it’s marks. Of course tomorrow the fingers will not fall in a whiskey grace but instead my eyes will scan for every error and bit of communication to allow the dual process to show.

Content by whiskey. Quality by sobriety.

All great writers bring there own piece of rebellion to the status quo of publication. Writing drunk is nothing new, but I know this peoples of the fishnet, that of which has barely skimmed the top of the endless ocean known as the internet…..I haven’t found that piece of rebellion yet. I will keep y’all posted.

